"Welcome To GN Technological Services"

GN Technological Services is a premier engineering services & product sales company, located at Hyderabad and providing total solutions in the field of CAD/CAM/CAE services and software selling, Desktop 3D printer selling, combi steamer technology products selling, Data processing outsourcing, Data verification & Internet Data research services to PAN India. This has been possible with our strategic alliances with Stratasys - MakerBot, ARK INFO & RATIONAL International for their complete suite of Products.

Our management team is well experienced with a strong engineering background, expertise & understanding of the engineering product / project lifecycle in our focus verticals, robust quality processes and core competencies in CAD/CAM/CAE.
GN technological services would like to emerge as one of the most promising engineering product sales companies in India & we are ready to take up challenging projects & deliver quality support services to esteemed clients. We enable companies in the Aerospace, Automotive & Supply chains, Industrial machinery, High-tech and Electronics, Railways, Infrastructure, Consumer Packaged Goods, Engineering Service providers, Defense and Research verticals to achieve their business goals.


Our focus lies in understanding the challenges and the changing requirements of the customers and reacting positively to make the customers successful. GNTS has a firm plan and vision to meet with considerable success in addressing the needs of a large number of clients from the automotive, aerospace, heavy engineering, industrial equipment’s, education and research in India.


When a customer comes to us with a requirement, we build a solution not just a product. We understand your needs and deliver the best combination of products and services to fit your processes and your business.


Your success is our motivation. Regularly mapping your requirement & integrating appropriate solutions into the processes, and building long-term relationships with our customers.